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Basement Design Quote

Thank you so much for coming to this page so I can help you in designing a very professional plan. Bookmark this page as you can always come back to this to find important links I’ve put below. I do hope you found my site here informative as well. Since 2003 I have always ensured my clients they’ll love this virtual planning method thus providing designs via emails exclusively just for doing basement designs. In fact, I’ve designed over 5500 basements to date and can’t begin to tell you how many other types of projects I’ve designed all backed by over 35 years of hands on construction experience. I strongly encourage you to call any of the references I sent. Who else would send you over 200 references proving my design service through email process works well?

Additionally, it’s really a fun and informative process; check out how well I do this reading the 5 star reviews about my online services at Houzz; http://www.houzz.com/browseReviews/adesignpro and make note that all plans I create, whether you’re a DIY’er or having a contactor do the construction, are designed to the current IRC codes showing all lighting, electrical and many other important details no matter if you are getting permits or not. The plan is the most important part of building anything. This is how you avoid costly mistakes. I always said “It’s All In The Plan”.

If you don’t wish to read most of my lengthy explanations and in order to get a free quote for the design, just know, I merely need from you; (1) dimensions of your space, (2) photos and (3) my questionnaire I call the wish list which you’ll also find at the following link, ok? I do apologize; portions of these instructions to you is a form type as I have to mention the same info to all new clients. In a short cut method, the following link is most important and provides a few simple steps for what I need from you to get a free quote for your professional design; https://basementdesigner.com/need/what I need from you”. Our emails will become shorter and more personal as we approach the design process and remember, this design quote is absolutely free but I can’t quote it without this basic information.

FYI: I’ve been told the wish list form won’t open on certain cell phones although it’s just an Adobe PDF. If you’re also reading this email from a small device, I suggest opening the following link to my website on a device with a larger screen and make sure you have Adobe Reader installed to open many of my 3D graphic views and or any PDF (may also require flash player).

My Rate Per Square Foot Vary’s

Since each client has different desires and basements vary; I can make your plan in any degree of finish and to almost any budget as well. I provide designs in a (good/better/best) category as this is how my rates vary based on my time in doing the design, complications, age and the fact that each client wants different features and or desires and needs . I call these categories “design levels” which are levels in design as mentioned in (good/better/best) categories for how simple the design to how fancy and complicated the design is. Design levels D&E allow private home theater rooms for example. You’ll merely indicate this choice on the wish list form or tell me in a reply email which design level you desire as this controls my rate per square foot for designs. Here’s the direct link to these design level examples and descriptions; https://basementdesigner.com/design-levels/

  • Good Category Design Levels “A & B” Rate Per Square Foot $0.80-$1.00
  • Better Category Design Levels “C & D” Rate Per Square Foot $1.10-$1.30
  • Best Category Design Level “E” Rate Per Square Foot $1.40-$1.80

All rates above will be adjusted accordingly depending on Design Level Choice made and other factors relating to your project such as age of home, complications seen in photos, ceilings height or congested with objects or if older and or existing finish, wish list request and other factors involved. All designs and clients’ needs are not equal; by providing to me through emails my requested information will only assure a very fair design cost and this quote is free. The quote is an all-inclusive price with no additional fees which also includes my construction advice thereafter and without any time restraints. I’m very patient and we can do a design in one week or a year if you need. The more time allowed for planning, the better you’ll love your design!


Make note that when I work up the free quote, I’m making a needed footprint on CAD of your space first from the dimensions you send so the CAD software calculates the total Floor Area. Also, I’m not charging to design in unfinished spaces such as furnace area, under the stairs and unfinished storage areas. Always remember; I’m an expert at space planning and no matter how simple or complicated, I’m very gifted at designing any size space and will use every square inch and it will have the best use of space as well as functionality and appeal. Plus, you’ll get many different preliminary layouts to show all possibilities to think over before I polish off the final plan you choose. This is how I give you 100% satisfaction guarantee and why I have so many great reviews and references.

Most Importantly

Since each client has different taste for a design, what goes into the space and since each basement space is configured differently, I’ll need more info from you to quote the cost of the design. So once again, please read at least the simple steps at; https://basementdesigner.com/need/ and you’ll find that this is a very simple process and I’ll save you money if you’ll do a bit of foot work. Planning this space correctly is by far the most important step before building it out and or getting many quotes to maintain apples to apples with.

In case you still don’t understand and want more instructions and really, really love to read, open this link; https://basementdesigner.com/instructions-new-design-quote/ “Instructions for a New Design Quote” Please sit back and read over this as it will reiterate much of my information and take you back to the one most important link to six simple steps to get a free quote for your design and or to get a design started.

If you didn’t receive over 200 current national and Canadian references, some possibly near you to contact; please just request this.

I always encourage all new clients as well to browse around my web site and read the highly informative blogs I wrote about basement finishing starting with; https://basementdesigner.com/how-to-finish-a-basement-101/ So please take the time to read a bit more and I look forward to seeing all your information soon. Thanks again and feel free to call if you wish to chat about your project first and or have questions.