These are the simple steps to get a design quote from me for free.
Download at this link in blue, the Adobe WISH LIST form. Save it to your device, fill it out, save it again and send it back to me.
Take many nice clear digital photos. Just stand with your back to all walls about every 15-25 foot sections, take 2-3 photos from that spot in different directions showing as far across all ceilings as possible. I ignore what’s on the floors and not interested unless you need to show me drains. Close ups don’t help if I don’t know where you took it. NOTE: you can always use photos of documents to send me if you don’t have a scanner. If you need to know more about how to take photos so I can see well, visit this link;
I need a sketch, drawing, plan with dimensions of all walls, locations of post, stairs, windows, drains and anything else that can’t be moved. I’ll put your measurements and other information on my CAD drawing software and then send that back to you as homework in case anything is missing that I might still need, ok? If you want to read more about how to measure for a design, click this link;
Lastly; see the following 3D graphic view examples to compare which level of design to pick and indicate this on the wish list you downloaded and saved.
Design Levels or the “WOW” Desired also known as the level of complication such as a Good/Better/Best or on a scale of 1 to 5 as 1 or A being simple to 5 or E being extremely fancy. Level of architectural features added into the design which is how much more of my time is used on the design. My minimum design fee is $700.00 no matter how small the space is or the design level choice made.
Any other type of custom design work will be personally quoted out. If you still need more design level examples to look over with detailed descriptions, click this blue link to design levels.
If you remind me, I’ll send you over 240 references of prior clients that did this process through email you can call and chat with about my cool email design service.
If you like to read and what more detailed instructions, you may go to this blue link; OR if you have questions, just write me
Simple steps to get a free quote for a professional basement design.