Professional Basement Design Service
For Finishing, Planning or Building
By John M. Browning
Serving Denver, Colorado Since 1988
National & Canada designs by email Since 2003
Thee very first on the web to offer this service!
How it Works!
Merely click here to Contact Me To Request Free Quote! I’ll first reply to your initial contact with an introduction email which will provide you with a few private links to find the easy steps you’ll need to take to get a FREE QUOTE to design your basement project professionally also allowing you to ballpark the cost yourself. I’m sure you’ll find over time my rates are the lowest for such high quality workmanship. This initial email will link you to a special private web page here at this site where you will be able to view and or download a wish list questionnaire about your space, directions on what photos I need and how I like you to take them along with how to get me dimensions of your space or sending an existing plan also illustrated and outlined below in the sample graphics shown. You’ll see this simple sketch illustrating how easy you can do this and the email results from me of such.
Also at this personal link I’ll invite you to; you’ll get to look through examples of my design workmanship in 3D views, all in PDF format, choosing one that you’ll later indicate to me so I know what looks good to you, fits your taste and or what to expect from me as your personal designer. Basements are complicated regardless and based on what you’re thinking of for appearances, I show these examples in 5 different levels of complications from basic finish to a very high level of finish. Like in GOOD, BETTER and BEST for me to know how much “WOW” and or fancy features which in all, justifies the amount of time I spend on your design. It’s important I know how basic the design will be to how elaborate you want it. Once you pick one of the 5 design levels I’ll link you to, this indicates to me an idea the amount of my time needed to do the requested design which controls the cost. A very fair way to quote your design, yes? So this info is reflected by what you think comes close to your expectations of me in this choice by viewing these 5 design level examples. Without this, I have no idea of what’s in mind and what you expect from my end. The is no other honest way to cost out design work and you should agree, it’s a very fair way to price out a design accordingly to what you want! I’m willing to do a little work up front to provide this free quote.
I have optional ways to quote the design work which starts at only 80 cents per sq. ft. If you know the square footage from tax records or send me an address and I will find possible dimensions on a GIS map. But this may only show me exterior dimensions around the house. In short, I need measurements of the existing (as is) space, clear photos and my PDF wish list form I’ll link you to. I’ll then quote it for free. Either way; after I receive all the requested information from you which is merely photos of your space, the wish list questionnaire with your design level choice and a sketch/plan with all wall measurements on it; I’ll send back the free design quote.
Never worry, I’m very patient and I know how to help you get the right dimensions to me and make the math work out even if you’ve never done this before! I have a unique design by email protocol for doing this great service as mentioned here in “Basement Design Cost and How it Works” as you can imagine now and how well I’ve developed this simple design by email service after doing this through email since 2003! My reviews on Houzz speak for themselves if not hundreds and hundreds of wonderful references you may check out. Also, read about John Browning of Basement Finishing & Design Service Awarded Best of Houzz 2023 → for 9 years consecutively!
By the way, this design by email process I call “virtual design planning” came up years ago when I no longer had free time to visit homes, take photos & measure basements not to mention the drive time and gas cost. I also became just too busy doing designs all the time. I am a one man show here after all…. My fee (rate per square foot for only finished areas) is the lowest in this industry because I was not spending an average of 3 hours in the home and driving each time. Besides, after designing thousands of basements I had stood in, I knew I didn’t need to be there to do this. In short, I just comprehend this all so well provided you send enough photos, measurements and also send my required wish list form. It’s so easy for both of us and you will enjoy doing this from the comfort of your home in this proven virtual design process though email.
(In A Nut Shell and no mask required)
- You send measurements by email. See example sketch below.
- I create a footprint plan on CAD software to determine total square footage.
- A review of your wish list form (via email) of how the space will be used, rooms/areas needed.
- A review of all photos you sent to see what I am dealing with; examining structure & overall configuration of space available with or without windows, locations of all existing items that cannot moved or can be relocated and what issues I may or may not normally see. In older homes there are more issues for me to deal with.
- A totally free design quote is prepared and sent to you based on the level of design choice made, finished square footage, your wish list and photo review which includes your first footprint indicating the CAD total square footage.
- You can review over 240 references you’ll receive from me of all my most current clients of designs by email.
- You decide at that point if you wish to continue working with me on your new professional design.
Any time you understand what I need and you’re ready to get started, contact me. Or if you need to know more and love to read about my professional service, please continue!
FYI; it’s really all about determining how much time is needed to produce a design and you’ll soon find out from the private links I send you that I divided this into 5 design levels to choose from, 5 different rates per square foot in other words because designs are not at all equal nor would it be fair to charge the same rate per square foot if you just want a more basic design or a nicer one in the middle range. Every client has a personal preference and I work with you personally on the level of design you choose. These levels can range from a basic design all the way up to the most complicated design and the more complicated it is, the more I enjoy my work; I love a challenge because I’m the best problem solver you’ll find.
Heed The Call
Make note that any contractor claiming he’ll design it for you will not do you justice! He’s only a contractor after all or he’d be doing my job, right? Been there done THAT! He only offers this to get the contract and down payment from you and don’t be fooled; anyone can suggest bad places to put rooms and walls then make a design look pretty on paper but will it really be functional and attractive and the best use of space? Also, there is no magical price per square foot to design anymore than there’s a “shoot from the hip cost” up front before a design or basement plan is produced let alone the cost to build the basement based on a plan. Pricing can only be done by counting everything from a plan. Just as a home builder would do before building a house. Just ask and I’ll tell you more.
Exceptional Professionalism
With my designs, you know exactly how it will be built and what to price out, but the free quote I provide is based on what you need me to design only, nothing more thus saving you lots of money and all for one inclusive cost. No add on cost or extra fee’s no matter how many preliminary layouts I do for you. If your design bidder/estimator uses the same rate per square foot no matter how simple or complicated you wanted, you should worry if this is the case! Don’t take this risk, click to contact me now! I offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee and in other words, I work with you until you’re perfectly pleased and you can leave your mask off since we don’t meet face to face!
Need A Permit For Building Your Project?
You’ll get a full scaled building plan all done to the IRC code!
AND FINALLY; once I know you are satisfied, I send you a scaled PDF file plan you can print out at a Kinko’s or UPS store on 24X36″ paper for building it, getting bids/quotes and permitting it along with many 3D color graphic views showing how cool your new basement will look before you build it. And this is handy to give to your builder so they know what you expect it to look like when they finish the project. This package is emailed to you at no extra cost. See Basement Design In 3D on what you can expect from me in this simple design my email process.
“Timeline to do the design”
Most plans take a week to three weeks on average or sometimes longer for completion yet done progressively with your approval at your pace but based on your decision making process and or email response time as mentioned above and having the correct measurements and photos. Many clients like to take their time with this process taking possibly months to work out the kinks and since this is a very important part of the upcoming construction process. Also considering the cost to build it, so why not take your time and make sure you love the plan first, then you’ll love spending time in this new space even more so. Relax and know there is no hurry on my end to finish your design until you feel good about what you’ll be building.
So if you wish to save money and have your project professionally designed by one of the best in the industry I want to hear from you. Make note; I was the first on the internet to offer such a Virtual Planning and design service following a simple design by email protocol. Just read over 50 five star reviews on Houzz to see what my clients say about my service and don’t believe imitators claiming they can do a design in just five days; it’s not possible and much will be overlooked. Please use my methods here to get your design started. It really is very simple and fun as well! Read the examples below and I thank you for taking the time to read my novel, LOL but you should be ready to contact me now!
Are you ready to get started on getting me a plan or sketch!
If you’re ready to measure or send a plan with dimensions, review this link first; how-to-measure-your-basement-for-design“It’s that simple and it’s a very fun and exciting Virtual Planning process.”
Basement Finishing Design Service will provide a full scaled 1/4″ = 1′ plan on a PDF file you can print out on 24X36″ paper that includes all electrical, lighting and other needed notes and details for permitting, to get bids with and to build form as it’s very easy to follow for even the do-it-yourselfers. No matter what I may design for you; all my designs are finished scaled plans done to the current IRC codes showing all detail with cross sections, graphic views and of course a full electrical diagram you can pull permits with as well.
Engineering is not included nor typically needed. I can refer you to an engineer yet most basements do not require any engineering in the design since you are not moving anything and or changing anything structural! Permits are also not part of my service and your builder or yourself can obtain these.
Please Contact Me To Request the Free Quote then I’ll email you the links to continue the design quote process which outlines this protocol completely showing how easy this is even if you’ve never done this before and then I’ll let you know DESIGN COST as a free quote to you. Any type of design as well works this way and feel free to ask me anything about the Basement Design Cost and How it Works or whatever your needs are. I just love basement design the most. Just ask.
And you’ll get more construction services such as advice from me, personally for months after the design! Yeah! AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO YOU! Free advice, suggestions and I’ll even review potential contracts to assure you that you’re not signing your life away. FYI: Many egger contractors needing work write “open-ended contracts” (evasive contacting) which means, in short, they’ll have their hands out for more bucks at each phase of the job and or take their time finishing it. If the estimate they gave seems too good to be true, it’s most likely what is called a “low ball bid“! Just write to me and I’m always happy to explain in detail, anything you want to know about the building process. How I know? While working with my hands I also wrote fair yet legal construction contracts for over 35 years……….
“It’s easy to send me any document and or photos”
If you have a large foundation plan on paper or anything to email to me but don’t have a scanner, just take a photo of it or of any document sending me only a clean clear legible copy I can see all numbers from; this is after all a way to make a photocopy.
Use THE CLOUD to also share files to me!
You can send any document to my email or use OneDrive and or Google and send the folder link to my email after you contact me. For complete instructions on taking and sending photos visit this page; “TAKING PHOTOS AND SENDING” Thank you and I do look forward to working with you.
Anytime you’re ready to get started, use the private link I sent you in the first email introduction I sent you or contact me again for this.
USA & Canada 720-220-4447 (A landline, not cell for text)
Contact Me To Request Free Quote